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2023-09-14 英语词典




1.有利益地 renew vt. 使更新 gainfully ad. 有利益地 acute a. 严重的, 急性的 ...

2.有收入地 gaine 盒子 gainfully 有利益地;有收入地 Gaingiving 疑虑, 疑惧 ...

3.有用地 fabulously 惊人地 gainfully 有用地 habitually 经常地 ...


1.So whether you're out of work or you're gainfully employed, you should keep on eye on the changing nature of our job market.所以无论你是失业还是拥有不错报酬的工作,你都应该时刻关注着人才市场上性质的变化。

2.Serial murderers often have families and homes, are gainfully employed, and appear to be normal members of the community.他们通常都有家室、有住房、有份报酬不错的工作,看起来跟其他社会成员没什么两样。

3.In addition you will be required to be gainfully employed for at least 80 days before you can obtain benefit again.另外您还必须有偿工作至少80天,才能再次获得领取补助金的权利。

4.To be fair, unlike many young men today, this new quasi-ex of mine is not only gainfully employed, he has a very impressive resume.平心而论,与现在的很多年轻男子不同的是,我的这位新前类男友不仅薪水丰厚,他也有令人过目难忘的履历。

5.Gainfully employed, its millions of young adults could fuel far faster growth rates.找到工作的数百万青壮年劳力能够推动更快的经济增长率。

6.Still, just 58. 5 percent of the population can say they're gainfully employed; a decade ago that number was close to 65 percent.即使如此,带薪就业群众也仅仅占到总人口的58.5%,10年前,这个数据是接近65%。

7.52 per cent of them are gainfully employed elsewhere. one is a doctor, one a teacheranother an accountant.他们中有52%的人在地方有带薪工作。有一个是医生,有一个是教师,还有一个是会计。

8.The government has allocated 20 million ringgit to re-train and re-skill Indian youths so that they could be gainfully employed.政府也拨款2千万令吉训练印裔青年,使他们可以学得一技之长和找到工作。

9.They are already gainfully employed, and they know what good Rotary does in the world.他们已经上班赚钱,并且他们知道扶轮为世界所做的好事。
